NEW Mini-Qs in American History Vol. 2 (Units 13-27): Teacher Resource Binder
Fifteen High-Interest Units of Study
- The Chinese Exclusion Acts: What Lessons Can Be Learned?
- Why Was Building the Panama Canal Such a Remarkable Achievement?
- What Were the Underlying Causes of the Tulsa Race Massacre?
- The Great Migration: What Motivated People to Move?
- What Caused the Great Depression?
- Women in World War II: What Story Should Be Told?
- The Bracero Program: Did the Benefits Outweigh the Costs?
- The Atomic Bomb: Did Truman Make the Right Decision?
- From Allies to Enemies: Why Did the Cold War Begin?
- How Did the Interstate Highway System Change the United States?
- The Vietnam Draft: Comply, Avoid or Defy?
- Acceptance or Activism: What Is Stonewall's More Significant Legacy?
- The ERA: Why Has It Been Such a Battle?
- Why Did the Cold War End?
- What Were the Consequences of 9/11?