Mini-Qs in World History Vol. 1: Teacher Resource Binder
Eleven High-Interest Units of Study
- Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?
- How Did the Nile River Shape Ancient Egypt?
- Citizenship in Athens and Rome: Which Was the Better System?
- Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses?
- The Great Wall of Ancient China: Did the Benefits Outweigh the Costs?
- How Great Was Alexander the Great?
- Ashoka: Ruthless Conqueror or Enlightened Leader?
- Why Did Christianity Take Hold in the Ancient World?
- The Silk Road: Recording the Journey
- What Were the Primary Reasons for the "Fall" of Rome?
- The Maya: What Was Their Most Remarkable Accomplishment?
Teacher Resource Binder (Only)
ISBN: 978-0-9828137-0-6